
The description landing on Dagelet,H.M.S Actaeon ,1859.

Dagelet Island Chart ,H.M.S Actaeon's survery (UKHO Ref:D7467)

There are Boussole Rock(Jukdo) and Seal Point(south Cape) on H.M.S Actaeon's chart of Dagelet 1859. (UKHO Ref: D7467). Also description of "Sea of Japan"

And U.K Hydro office replied as follows;
I have located the survey conducted by HMS Actaeon in 1859 of Dagelet Island (UKHO Ref: D7467), low resolution images attached, and reviewed several Sailing Directions including the China Pilot first edition (1855); second edition (1858), third edition (1861) and fourth edition (1864). It would appear that details from HMS Actaeon's work are not included until the 1864 Edition.

The description in the secondary source, by Blankey William about landing on Dagelet Island , H.M.S Actaeon .1859.
(quote from; On the coast of Cathay and Gipango forty years ago, A record of surveying service in the China Yellow and Japan Seas and the seabord of Korea and Manchuria,
Blakeney, William, R.N 1902.)

(P191 http://www.archive.org/stream/oncoastscathaya00blakgoog#page/n244/mode/2up)
"The Actaeon have to for a few hours off Dagelet Island, which emerges in solitary grandeur from the floor(2.000 feet deep) of the Japanse Sea, and rises to 4,000 feet above it. It lies 100 miles distant from the mainland of Korea, is clothed with forest from the verge of perpendicular cliffs of 500 feet, and is 20 miles in circumference. On every side were herds of seals, filling the air with sorrowful sounding cries, perhaps from terror at our appearing. We could make no headway through the dense undergrowth. La Perouse discovered this island in 1786, but there is no record of his landing.
A few half-starved Korean fisherman were collecting sea-slugs, etc., for Chinese epicureans, but had only a ramshackleold junk in which to make the passage across a stormy sea in almost perpetual fog. A weild and lonely spot is Dagelet Island.

By the way the book was published on 1902, They use "Korea Strait and Sea of Japan"
See Page 160 for name of the chapter;http://www.archive.org/stream/oncoastscathaya00blakgoog#page/n208/mode/2up

,attached map 1 -p167.
attached map2-p346

Sea of Japan
Strait of Korea
China Sea

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