
1861.China Pilot Third Edidtion King, John W Printed for the Hydrographic Office P379) UK

・1861.China Pilot Third Edidtion King, John W Printed for the Hydrographic Office P379) UK

They use "Sea of Japan", "Strait of Korea" and "Broughton bay"

Chapter 11 
Sea of Jpaan,Gulf of Tartary, Gulf and River Amur, Sagharin island, La Perouse strait, and Sea of Okohtuk.
Sea of Japan, is bounded on the east and south by the Japan island, and on the west and north-west by coast of Korea and Tartary. It is about 900 miles long, N.N.E and S.S.W, and 600mileswide, East and West, at its broadest part. Surronded by land on all sides, This sea is only accessible by the following narrow passages:-To the south by the Korea strait, which connect it with the China Sea; to the east by La Perouse and Tsugar straits, by which it communicates with the Pacific; and to the north by the gulf of Tartary ,through which it communicates with the sea of Okhotsuk by the gulf of Amurl. The Boungo and Kino channels which lead into the Suwo nada at the southwest end of Nipon, and the connection of the Suwo Nada with Korea Strait north of kiusiu island, are as yet little known*

Tsus sima, extending about 37 miles in a N.N.E and S.S.W direction, separate the Korean strait into two chanels, the western of which is named Broughton and the eastern Krusenstern. The island is divided into two parts by a large inlet named Tsus sima sound. The southern portion is high and mountainous with two sharp peaks on its northern part, forming like asses( epars when bearing S.E. The northern portion is comparatively low and level, except about one-third from its north-east extreme, where it rises into an high mountain.
M. de Montravel places the south-east point of this island in lat .4"5 1/2N, long. 129"16'E; and Kiku-saki, the south-west point in 34"10'N., 129"10'E.
H.M.S Sylbille, in April 1855, passed through Broughton Channel, between Tsus sima and the Koran coast, and it appeared to be clear of danger on the island side. A dangerous reef was seen extending a mile or more from the south-west point of Tsus simal ad the north east point appeared to terminate in a rocky reef. Captain Forsyth, who passed through Koera strait in H.M.S Hornet, in 1856 , states that Kursenstern channel on the east side of Tsus sima is to be preferred, as it is the widest and less current was experienced in it.
caution- when navigationg Koera strait, the barometer shuold be carefully watched. especially at night, as sudden shifts of wind frequently occur with heavy gusts, which give but little warning of their approach.

The East Coast of Korea , unlike the western coast, is steep-to at a short distance from the shore. A running survey was made by the Russian frigate Pallada in 1854 of its whole extent for about 600miles, from the high detached rocks at the entrance of Chosan harbour to lat. 42"31'N., long . 131"10'E. Port Lezaref, Napoleon road or Posiette harbour, and the Tumen river were surveyed by her boats.
The frigate ahad steady fair winds, and kept at a distance of from one to
4 miles off shore, approaching even nearer at some parts, and following
its windings, The coast has a uniform appearance; sometimes, however,
it changes suddenly; from being mountainous and rocky it becomes low add sandy, assuming its former appearance after a short interval.

P382 (As a part of east coast of Korea)
Broughton Bay-(Korea gulf of the French charts) is 93 miles wide between cape Duroch on the south and cape Petit Thouras on the north, and 55 miles deep, and Yung-hing bay and Port Lezaref at its head offer excellent shelter. The shores of the bay are winding and mostly low, and vessels can anchor in a moderate depth off them with safety.
The north and south shores of Broughton Bay are commanded by lofty heights near the sea. The Belavenz montains, about 15 miles south-west of cape Duroch, are respectively 6.092 and 5.884 feet above the sea; and the north at 24 miles in the interior,W.N.W. of cape Petit Thouras, mout Hienfung reaches the height of 8114 feet. The shores, although wooded and verdant, are varied occassional by waste lands and
rocky cliffs.
After passing Cape Duroch, a moderate sized bay will open out witha low sandy shore, and it probably affords good anchoring ground during southerly winds, as in general all the bays examined on their coast invariably do. A group of small islands and sunken rocks lie in the middle and in north^west parts of this bay; several of the islands have a few cedar trees. From the north extreme of the bay the coast again becomes winding and rocky, and gradually falls toward Feleny point.

By the way South Korean scholor admitted the name of "Sea of Japan" is not Japan's imperiarism or expansionism name, but it is already be established as a grobal standard name around 1861, China Pilot third edition
See here;

韓相復 水堂自然環境硏究院長 水産研究員


  • 1861년 China Pilot 제 3판 발행 영국해군성에서는 1850년대말까지 이루어진 우리 나라 주변해역에서의 지리적 지식을 종합하여 1861년 China Pilot 제 3판을 발행했습니다. 이것은 1858년에 나온 제 2판을 수정한 것으로, 독도 연구와 한반도 근해 바다의 명칭을 정리한 것이기에 중요한 문헌입니다. 제 4판은 1864년에 나왔는데, 독도에 관한 기술은 제 3판과 같습니다. 독도가 중요하게 기술된것은 항해에 위험한 장애물이 되기때문이었습니다. 제 2판에서는 독도를 Hornet Islands로 적고 1855년 4월 25일 Hornet호에서 측정한 위치를 북위 37도 14분, 동경 131도 55분으로만 간단히 기록했으나, 제 3판에서는 Liancourt Rocks로 적고 Hornet호 함장 Forsyth의 측정위치와 함께 1849년 Liancourt호에 의해서 알려졌고, 1854년에는 Olivutsa호에 의해서 Menalai and Olivutsa로도 불린다는 사실도 적어놓았습니다. 1861년 출판된 China Pilot 제 3판의 제목은 이고, 총 11장으로 구성되어 있는데, 그중에서 제 7장이 East Coast of China_Whang-Hai or Yellow Sea; Gulfs of Pe-chili and Liau-tung; and West and South Coasts of Korea 입니다. 제 11장은 Sea of Japan; Gulf of Tartary; Gulf and River Amur; Saghlin Island; La Perouse Strait; and Sea of Okhotsk 이며, 여기에 East Coast of Korea가 포함되어 있습니다. 여기서 영어 원문을 그대로 적어놓는것은 국제적 명칭 연구에 참고하기를 바라는 뜻이 담겨있습니다. 한반도의 서해안과 남해안은 아직도 많은곳이 더 조사되어야할 사항으로 남아있지만, 독도와 동해의 국제적 고유명칭 연구에 가장 귀중한 자료중 하나이기에 소개하는 것입니다. 역사적인 유래를 모르고, 게다가 중요한 문헌을 살펴보지도 않고, 의미없는 지도나 해도들을 나열하며 동해의 국제적 명칭을 논하는것은 위험한 일입니다. 동해의 국제적 명칭은 Sea of Japan으로 이미 이 때 굳어졌으며, 그 근원은 La Perouse의 과학적 탐사결과 입니다. 이제 우리가 할 일은 동해를 접하고 있는 연안국 모두가 부르기 좋은 이름으로 고치는 협의 입니다. China Pilot는 중국수로지(中國水路誌)라고 번역할 수 있으며, 동북이시아 해역의 항해안전을 위한 안
  1. 내서 입니다. 수당 한상복

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